Reference manual

Desktop-side FaaSr Functions

These are the FaaSr functions that users invoke interactively in their desktop client, e.g. RStudio. They are used to configure, register, and invoke workflows.


Usage: faasr(json_path, env_path)

json_path is a required argument and specifies the path of a FaaSr workflow configuration file env_path is optional and specifies the path of a file containing credentials for use by FaaSr

This is the first function used to validate and configure a workflow. It loads the JSON-formatted workflow configuration file from the path specified by json_path and (optionally( credentials from a file path env_path. It returns a list that is subsequently used to register and invoke the workflow with functions list$register_workflow and list$invoke_workflow

Example: mylist <- faasr(json_path="workflow_file.json", env_path="credentials_file")

In the example above, the faasr function configures a workflow described in the workflow_file.json file and loads FaaS and S3 credentials from credentials_file. If successful, the function returns the mylist list


Usage: $register_workflow()

This function registers a workflow with FaaS cloud provider(s). It requires a valid list returned from a previous execution of faasr() The cloud providers are specified in ComputeServers and DataStores of the JSON file provided as input for faasr(). Their respective credentials are specified in the credentials file also provided as input for faasr().


mylist <- faasr(json_path="workflow_file.json", env_path="credentials_file")

In the example above, the mylist list returned from the faasr() function is used to register a workflow


Usage: $invoke_workflow()

This function immediately invokes a workflow that has been registered with a FaaS cloud provider. It requires a valid list returned from a previous execution of faasr() that has been registered with cloud providers using $rergister_workflow()


mylist <- faasr(json_path="workflow_file.json", env_path="credentials_file")


Usage: $set_workflow_timer(cron)

This function sets up a timer to invoke a workflow that has been registered with a FaaS cloud provider. It requires a valid list returned from a previous execution of faasr() that has been registered with cloud providers using $rergister_workflow() The required argument cron is a string that follows the cron format


mylist <- faasr(json_path="workflow_file.json", env_path="credentials_file")
mylist$set_workflow_timer("*/10 * * * *")


Usage: $unset_workflow_timer(cron)

This function unsets a timer previously set with $set_workflow_timer. It requires a valid list returned from a previous execution of faasr() that has been registered with cloud providers using $rergister_workflow()


mylist <- faasr(json_path="workflow_file.json", env_path="credentials_file")
mylist$set_workflow_timer("*/10 * * * *")

Cloud-side FaaSr functions

These are the FaaSr functions that users add to their R functions. They are used to read and write from/to S3 buckets and to generate logs for debugging.


Usage: faasr_get_file(server_name, remote_folder, remote_file, local_folder, local_file)

This function gets (i.e. downloads) a file from an S3 bucket to be used by the FaaSr function.

server_name is a string with name of the S3 bucket to use; it must match a name declared in the workflow configuration JSON file. This is an optional argument; if not provided, the default S3 server specified as DefaultDataStore in the workflow configuration JSON file is used.

remote_folder is string with the name of the remote folder where the file is to be downloaded from. This is an optional argument that defaults to ""

remote_file is a string with the name for the file to be downloaded from the S3 bucket. This is a required arguemnt.

local_folder is a string with the name of the local folder where the file to be downloaded is stored. This is an optional argument that defaults to "."

local_file is a string with the name for the file downloaded from the S3 bucket. This is a required arguemnt.


faasr_get_file(remote_folder="myfolder", remote_file="myinput1.csv", local_file="input1.csv")
faasr_get_file(server_name="My_Minio_Bucket", remote_file="myinput2.csv", local_file="input2.csv")


Usage: faasr_put_file(server_name, local_folder, local_file, remote_folder, remote_file)

This function puts (i.e. uploads) a file from the local FaaSr function to an S3 bucket.

server_name is a string with name of the S3 bucket to use; it must match a name declared in the workflow configuration JSON file. This is an optional argument; if not provided, the default S3 server specified as DefaultDataStore in the workflow configuration JSON file is used.

local_folder is a string with the name of the local folder where the file to be uploaded is stored. This is an optional argument that defaults to "."

local_file is a string with the name for the file to be uploaded to the S3 bucket. This is a required arguemnt.

remote_folder is string with the name of the remote folder where the file is to be uploaded to. This is an optional argument that defaults to ""

remote_file is a string with the name for the file to be uploaded to the S3 bucket. This is a required arguemnt.


faasr_put_file(local_file="output.csv", remote_folder="myfolder", remote_file="myoutput.csv")
faasr_get_file(server_name="My_Minio_Bucket", local_file="output.csv", remote_file="myoutput.csv")


Usage: folderlist <- faasr_get_folder_list(server_name, faasr_prefix)

This function returns a list with the contents of a folder in the S3 bucket.

server_name is a string with name of the S3 bucket to use; it must match a name declared in the workflow configuration JSON file. This is an optional argument; if not provided, the default S3 server specified as DefaultDataStore in the workflow configuration JSON file is used.

faasr_prefix is a string with the prefix of the folder in the S3 bucket. This is an optional argument that defaults to ""


mylist1 <- faasr_get_folder_list(server_name="My_Minio_Bucket", faasr_prefix="myfolder")
mylist2 <- faasr_get_folder_list(server_name="My_Minio_Bucket", faasr_prefix="myfolder/mysubfolder")


Usage: faasr_delete_file(server_name, remote_folder, remote_file)

This function deletes a file from the S3 bucket.

server_name is a string with name of the S3 bucket to use; it must match a name declared in the workflow configuration JSON file. This is an optional argument; if not provided, the default S3 server specified as DefaultDataStore in the workflow configuration JSON file is used.

remote_folder is string with the name of the remote folder where the file is to be deleted from. This is an optional argument that defaults to ""

remote_file is a string with the name for the file to be deleted from the S3 bucket. This is a required arguemnt.


faasr_delete_file(remote_folder="myfolder", remote_file="myoutput.csv")
faasr_delete_file(server_name="My_Minio_Bucket", remote_file="myoutput.csv")


Usage: faasr_arrow_s3_bucket(server_name, faasr_prefix)

This function configures an S3 bucket to use with Apache Arrow.

server_name is a string with name of the S3 bucket to use; it must match a name declared in the workflow configuration JSON file. This is an optional argument; if not provided, the default S3 server specified as DefaultDataStore in the workflow configuration JSON file is used.

faasr_prefix is a string with the prefix of the folder in the S3 bucket. This is an optional argument that defaults to ""

It returns a list that is subsequently used with the Arrow package.


mys3 <- faasr_arrow_s3_bucket()
myothers3 <- faasr_arrow_s3_bucket(server_name="My_Minio_Bucket", faasr_prefix="myfolder")
frame_input1 <- arrow::read_csv_arrow(mys3$path(file.path(folder, input1)))
frame_input2 <- arrow::read_csv_arrow(mys3$path(file.path(folder, input2)))
arrow::write_csv_arrow(frame_output, mys3$path(file.path(folder, output)))


Usage: faasr_log(log_message)

This function writes a log message to a file in the S3 bucket, to help with debugging. The default S3 server for logs is DefaultDataStore as specified in the workflow configuration JSON file. This default can be overridden with LoggingDataStore in the workflow configuration JSON file.

log_message is a string with the message to be logged.


log_msg <- paste0('Function compute_sum finished; output written to ', folder, '/', output, ' in default S3 bucket')

File formats

JSON configuration file

The workflow JSON configuration file is described by the FaaSr JSON schema.

A recommended way to create and manage JSON configuration files is to use the FaaSr workflow builder Shiny app

Credentials file

The credentials file used by FaaSr has key-value string pairs, stored one per line in a text file, with format:


The key is the name of the credential (which must match the name of the cloud server in a configurration file) The value is the crredential itself



The example shows credentials for the following accounts: